Kingsford Dental

Clinic Hours: Mon-Fri (9:00-600) | Sat (9:00 - 5:00)

Suite 3, 255- 271 Anzac Parade Kingsford, NSW, 2032

Orthodontic Treatment and Invisalign

Straighten your teeth, enhance your confidence

Kingsford Dental offers a wide range of orthodontic services to cater to the diverse needs of our patients. Orthodontics has become an increasingly popular treatment, even for children younger than 12 years old. In the past, it was common to remove premolars before getting braces, but now we understand that factors such as genetics, poor breathing habits, and posture can contribute to orthodontic issues.

Therefore, we have a range of treatment options for our younger patients, including the use of myobraces, partial braces, corrective breathing techniques, and more. These options are less invasive and reduce the need for extractions, ensuring a more comfortable and efficient treatment process..

Our orthodontic services are not limited to children alone; many adults seek treatment as well. Adults may have concerns such as gaps between their teeth, crowded or overlapping teeth and desire a beautiful smile. At Kingsford Dental, we offer various treatment options to suit the unique needs and preferences of adult patients.

These options include traditional braces for precise and comprehensive correction, as well as more discreet options like Invisalign clear aligners, which allow for a more aesthetically pleasing treatment experience.

Invisalign are a series of clear aligners created by a 3D scan of your teeth, formulated by Invisalign software to help achieve a beautiful smile and functional teeth. Patients who chose the Invisalign option benefited from the discreet look, ease of clean and non restraint eating during treatment.

With the advancement of orthodontic techniques and technologies, there are now numerous options available to address orthodontic issues. Our experienced team will assess each patient’s specific condition and goals to develop a customised treatment plan.

Whether it’s children or adults seeking orthodontic treatment, our focus is on providing effective and efficient solutions that enhance oral health, correct misalignment, and help patients achieve the beautiful smiles they desire.

Smile Gallery

What could your smile look like with straighter teeth?

Scan the QR code to see what Invisalign treatment could do for you.
Open the camera app.
Position the phone over the QR code so that it appears over the viewfinder.
Tap to launch website QR code when a notification bar pops up on your screen.*

*For some Android phones: If no notification bar pops up on your screen, you will need to install a QR code reader app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Orthodontic treatment can be initiated at any age, but it is generally recommended to have an initial orthodontic evaluation around the age of 4 for myofunctional dysfunction or early interceptive orthodontic treatment.
This allows us to identify any potential issues and plan for timely intervention if needed. However, orthodontic treatments can be done successfully in teenagers and adults as well.
The duration of orthodontic treatment varies depending on the complexity of the case and the specific treatment plan. 
On average, treatment can range from several months to a few years. Simple treatment can be completed in as less as 4–6 months. While most moderate cases can be treated in less than 18 months. For a person with severe dental malocclusion or crowding, treatment can take up to 24 months.

Most patients return to see us with an appointment interval of 6–8 weeks for adjustments and progress checks to ensure the treatment progresses as planned. Regular visits to the dentist for adjustments and progress checks are necessary to ensure the treatment progresses as planned.
There are certain dietary restrictions to follow, especially with traditional braces. Patients are typically advised to avoid sticky, hard, or chewy foods that can damage or dislodge the braces. It’s best to stick to a soft diet and avoid foods that may require excessive biting or chewing.
We use Damon Metal Braces in our orthodontic treatment for our patients. It is meant to produce less friction and have rounded corners to reduce discomfort and increase treatment efficiency. 
If you would like your treatment to be more discreet, you can opt for clear ceramic braces or Invisalign. Ceramic braces act the same like the metal braces and are more acceptable in our adult patient base.